Attendance and Absence
At Surrey Hills we expect all children to have good attendance, this means attending school at least 95% of the year, this is a Government requirement. Poor attendance is often linked to poor performance in the classroom. This can result in your child struggling with their relationships with their peers, developing low self-confidence and experiencing a disrupted pattern to their education; all of which can be damaging in the long run.
Firstly, it is vital that parents/carers notify the school of any planned child’s absence in order for it to be authorised by the school. A Leave of Absence Request form must be completed and returned to the school prior to the start date. Click here for the form.
Please do ensure that your child arrives on time to school, registration is at 8.45am lessons begin immediately after registration.
All absences and late arrivals to school are regularly monitored by the school and the Education Welfare Officer, from the Local Authority. If your child is sick, please telephone the school on the first day of absence to inform us, including the reason. If your child has a doctor, dentist or hospital appointment, please inform the school in writing before the appointment day.
Persistent absence may require evidence of a medical appointment or prescription.
Wherever possible, dental appointments should be made outside of school hours.
First Call
It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform the school by 9.30am if a child will be absent for any reason. This communication can be via email or phone call.
Parents of children who are not accounted for in our registers or no communication has been received to explain absence, will be contacted to determine the child’s whereabouts in the morning of the first absence.