Headteacher Welcome
Welcome to the Surrey Hills All Saints website.
Found in the heart of the lovely village community of Westcott, we are a friendly all-through primary school serving families from Dorking to Shere and the villages in between. We are a school small enough that every child is known individually and large enough to offer great facilities and a rich variety and breadth of learning opportunities.
We have a strong set of school values that we live by and we are especially pleased that Ofsted recently noted that "personal development, behaviour and attitudes are good" and that our children are “exceptionally well-prepared for their next stage of education”.
Rated `Outstanding' for our Early Years teaching, something we are especially proud of, we aim to provide the children in our care with the very best educational experiences and opportunities. Our bespoke curriculum promotes children’s values, a range of life skills and a love of learning. We strongly believe that these combined will build the foundations for a successful education, helping the children in our care to become lifelong learners.
Knowing the only constant in life is change, our dedicated and enthusiastic staff set high expectations, deliver an ambitious and inspiring curriculum with enriching extra-curricular opportunities in a wonderful learning environment inside and outside the classroom for our children.
As a church school within The Good Shepherd Trust, we actively promote the development of Christian values and citizenship skills, equipping pupils for life in the wider world. These values underpin our curriculum and form the basis of social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development.
Our website cannot tell you the whole story. So, if you are looking for your child's first school or they are moving school, we’d be delighted to share with you more about how our lovely school nurtures, grows and flourishes together.
I would like to invite you for a Personal Tour with me or to join us at one of our Open Days.
I hope to meet you very soon.
Best Wishes
Jacky Fyson
Executive Headteacher.