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Parent & Visitor Comments/Testimonials

"I have been really impressed by how Surrey Hills has used the fact that it is a relatively small school to foster a sense of community amongst the pupils. It's a pleasure seeing the older children take responsibility for nurturing the younger ones and for seeing them flourish in response. Both my children have loved the connection to the local church and the way this strengthens their role in the local community." Parent

This is a very rare thing to happen - but I just wanted to drop an email to say how amazed and refreshed I was with how incredibly well behaved your class were today. We have been so busy with schools this academic year so far, but I really haven’t had a group nearly as well behaved and as respectful as yours in such a long time - it was a real pleasure to share our time with the birds with you all this morning!         School visitor - UK Owl and Raptor Centre

Inspire Session "I wanted to put in writing just how grateful I was to have the opportunity to see the Butterflies class in action on their Inspire Day. What a fantastic idea and such a special treat for parents and carers to be able to see the children in their learning environment. I was so impressed by Mrs Dutton and Mrs Bene being so accommodating - if they were anxious about having an audience then they didn't show it. It was clear just how much respect the children have for their teachers. As a secondary school teacher, I was in awe watching the class respond and engage so proactively with the lesson". Parent

Inspire Session "We thoroughly enjoyed today’s session. What a privilege to be able to see a glimpse of the children’s lesson but also have lunch with them. Please pass my thanks to Mrs Dutton (and the rest of the team). Her phonics lesson showcase was amazing and so interesting. It was great to see how the lessons are structured. I was so impressed by all the hard work the children do. I will be using some of the tips at home when reading with my child. Please also pass my thanks to Dawn for the lovely lunch". Parent.

"The children were wonderful when they sang for us today, they're a credit to the school." Westcott Village Association.

"Many thanks for the invite to the assembly, this morning. It was fantastic to see a whole part of the morning dedicated to pupil achievement. Naturally I was a very proud parent and thought that everything from the choice of music to the speeches was superb. A great example for the others to see and aspire too." Parent.

“I have been meaning to email to express my thanks to all the Year 4 and 6 teachers who went that extra mile to give the children such special experiences and memories of their residential trips. It makes me proud of our school that the children are offered such fantastic opportunities and I know it wouldn’t be possible without the commitment and dedication of the teachers who give up their precious time and energy to make these things happen. Both the children had a wonderful time, so thank you to all who were involved.” Parent.

“Thank you for your remote learning letter. We personally think the content on Purple Mash is fantastic for both our girls, and we can see an incredible amount of work has been put into planning carefully all the lessons. Of course as we are working parents, it is hard to juggle work and homeschooling, but we feel you are doing your very best to give us all the tools and content we need. We are very grateful, thank you so much.” Mrs X

“I just wanted to say how lovely the Zoom call was today, and we appreciate the effort being made to enhance and support homeschooling after our previous concerns/wishes last week.” Parent