Year 3 and 4 Titanic Wow Day

On Friday 12th March, the children in years 3 and 4 had a super day celebrating their learning theme in style. They started the day by dressing as a passenger or a member of crew from the RMS Titanic. The children received replica tickets, so had the opportunity to research the person named on their ticket to see if they survived or perished. Our shoe box cabins were a great success, and it was truly amazing to see the effort that had been put into these small works of art. During the day the children created electronic circuits and using buzzers attempted Morse code, learning the pattern for the distress signal SOS and their own name. The day was crowned at the very end with a first-class tea including cucumber sandwiches on white bread, - crusts off of course, scones with jam and cream and delicious cake. Most of the children went home on a sugar high! But it isn't every day we do this, and it was certainly a lovely way to celebrate our first week back together.